If you are new to Store Vantage:
Welcome aboard! We recommend starting with the introduction, and then working through the entire series (videos
1-7) in order. Watching all the tutorials takes less than an hour, so grab so popcorn, sit back, and learn how to set up and use Store Vantage.
Are you a multi-tasker?
Try setting up your system as you go - just open the videos in one window and your Store Vantage system in another and follow along.
If you are an existing Store Vantage user:
Some of the video content may cover things you already know how to do, so charge ahead to the topic(s) you are interested in exploring. These videos are always here as a resource for you.
Introduction to Store Vantage
1. Business information
- Entering business information
(name, location, logo, etc.) - Modifying hours
- Adding holidays
2. Customers
- Creating a new customer
- Editing existing customers
- Customizing profile fields
3. Services
- Adding new services
- Creating add-on services
- Editing existing services
- Setting pricing
4. Staff members
- Creating new staff members
- Editing existing staff members
- Setting schedules and hours
- Controlling access privileges
- Modifying individual alerts
5. Appointment booking
- Booking a new appointment
- Modifying existing appointments
- Setting up repeat appointments
6. Automated messages
- Appointment confirmation emails/text
- Appointment reminder emails/text
- Appointment feedback emails
- “We Miss You” emails
- Sending referral thank you emails
- Sending custom email blasts
- Enabling automatic Facebook posting
7. Online booking
- Turning on online booking
- Checking hours, staff, and service options
- Editing service descriptions
- Setting start time intervals
- Determining availability logic
- Finalizing online booking settings
- Integrating booking with Facebook
and business websites - Accessing the business-specific
online booking page - Viewing the client booking experience